my thinks to PM Wen Jiabao

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A typical article from 5 cents party the great, check out how “5 Cents” works! Chinese version is attached!

moriekohler 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

reports asked Mr. Chen's life in jail, and question why police treat him like this..
all in chinese, no english translation now

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let's turn back to officer's sex scandal, the xishui case was took place on old hostel of Bureau of Justice. About the Xishui child rape scandal. The director of the Baihua branch of Yibin county tax bureau, Lu Yumin 卢玉敏 has been punished for his involvement in the Xishui child rape case. In December 2008, Liu paid 6.000 yuan to have sex with He **, a thirteeen years old student coerced into prostitution. Yesterday, Lu has received the discipline sanctions of expulsion from his office (开除公职) and from the party (开除党籍). The deputy party secretary and the political commissar 政委 of Yibin public security office held that Lu's conduct did not constitute a crime, so they have levied a 6.000 yuan fine on him and sentenced him to 15 days administrative detention (行政拘留). Allegedly Lu's behaviour did not reach the seriousness treshold of art. 360(2) of the Criminal Law. Article 360. Prostitution, visiting prostitutes. Those engaging in prostitution or visiting a whorehouse knowing that they are suffering from syphilis, clap, or other serious venereal diseases are to be sentenced to five years or fewer in prison or put under criminal detention or surveillance, in addition to having to pay a fine. Those who visit young girl prostitutes under 14 years of age are to be sentenced to five years or more in prison an addition to paying a fine. Lu stated he didn't know that He ** was thirteen, so according to the police he did not commit an offence, and could get away with a fine and a couple of weeks in the slammer. The treatment of Lu points to a worrying trend whereby the defendants in the Xishui child rape case might go unpunished, or receive too lenient punishments - as in the case of Lu. As I have explained elsewhere, Lu (as well as the other defendants) should have been charged with rape. In this case, article 360 cannot be used. Because if the girl is lured or forced into prostitution -as the girls in Xishui were - article 236 (rape) is to be used instead: Article 236. Whoever, by violence, coercion or other means, rapes a woman is to be sentenced to not less than three years and not more than 10 years of fixedterm imprisonment. Whoever has sexual relations with a girl under the age of 14 is to be deemed to have committed rape and is to be given a heavier punishment. Whoever rapes a woman or has sexual relations with a girl involving one of the following circumstances is to be sentenced to not less than 10 years of fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment, or death: (1) rape a woman or have sexual relations with a girl and when the circumstances are odious; (2) rape several women or have sexual relations with several girls; (3) rape a woman in a public place and in the public; (4) rape a woman in turn with another or more persons; (5) cause the victim serious injury, death, or other serious consequences. An important condition to use this article is that Lu and the others knew that the girls were under 14. In theory, they can claim they didn't know that the girls were under 14. In practice things are different. Journalists have proved how in Xishui advertising teen prostitution was quite common, and ads as this one could be found everywhere: “学生商务中心是当地多所中、高校学生自由组合,为您提供多种服务,她们清 纯可爱、活泼开朗。以学生为主,另外还收编了部分风情美少妇;她们韵味十足,还可提供处女开苞。特别提供24小时上酒店宾馆服务。联系人周先生,联系电 话:159851×××××。 Lu and the others were looking for very young girls, rather than older women. They should have known that if they visited very young sex workers the chances were quite high that one or more of them was under 14. They should have known that having intercourse with them constitutes the crime of rape. Did they take every reasonable precaution to avoid this? The 2009 Xishui sex trial (Chinese: 贵州习水嫖宿幼女案) is a court case in Xishui County, Guizhou, China involving the rape of under-aged girls by 7 people, 4 of which are government officials from the Communist Party of China.[1] The officials were sentenced in a County court and aroused anger on the Chinese blogosphere and drew popular protests. Event Between October 2007 to July 2008 a number of underaged teenage girls were raped in Xishui, Guizhou.[1] An unemployed 37-year old women named Yuan Li offered her own apartment as a hospitality venue for about 100 yuan or 30% of the income.[2] The remaining profit went to a 14-year old and 15-year old teenager who helped abduct schoolgirls from one primary school and three junior high schools.[1] Comments from internet chat rooms said underaged girls were forced to have sex with government officials. The mother of an abused girl eventually reported the case to local police bureau on August 15, 2008.[3][4] Police subsequently began investigating the case.[1][2] An 8-member team went undercover in the county for 10 days.[3] By the end of October, 7 people were arrested on charges of organizing and forcing 11 girls into prostitution. Three of the girls were under the age of 14.[3] [edit] Trial The close-door trial started at the People's Court of Xishui County on April 8, 2009.[1] The following people were identified "customers" of the prostitution ring. Name ↓ Description ↓ Li Shoumin county migration official Chen Mengran land and resource official Huang Yongliang social security official Chen Cun legal affairs official Mu Mingzhong legislator Feng Zhiyang vocational school teacher Feng Yong taxi driver The 16-hour trial ended without a verdict. There are two interpretations of the law. According to clause 236, having sex with a girl under the age of 14 should be treated as a rape and punished severely.[3] According to clause 360, visiting a prostitute who is under the age of 14 should carry a jail sentence of five years or more. The rape offence can result in a death penalty while the second offence carries a maximum sentence of 15 years.[3] The government officials received the lesser offense.[3] More than 1,000 people gathered outside the court and showed anger.[3] The case has provoked nationwide anger at the shame of the officials and the way the trial was handled.[3] AND ALSO 2008 Weng'an riot The 2008 Weng'an riot was a riot on June 28, 2008 involving tens of thousands of residents in Weng'an County, Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, in the Guizhou province of Southwest China. Rioters smashed government buildings and torched several police cars to protest against an alleged police cover-up of a girl's death. Incident [edit] Alleged rape and murder A 16 year-old local girl by the name of Li Shufen (李树芬, born in July 1991[1]) was found dead in a river. She had been earlier being spotted with two younger men who likely had familial ties with the local public security bureau.[2] Li Shufen's family and friends have said that she was raped and murdered by the son of a prominent Weng'an official and another youth and that her corpse was then thrown into the river.[3][4] The subsequent government controlled media release denied the claims, and states the two young men and one young woman involved are of local farmers' families.[5] [edit] Defending the coffin The parents were guarding the girl's coffin day and night in fear the local police might attempt to tamper with the evidence. "We won't accept an evil deal," say parents. The parents reported there have already been two attempts to steal the dead body. An additional 100 local residents have helped them guard the coffin. [edit] Claims [edit] Police The girl's dead body was pulled from the river on June 22, 2008. Initial police report said that the girl was drowned or jumped into the river and committed suicide.[6] A document submitted by the local government stated the girl was unhappy with life because her parents favored her elder brother.[7] [edit] Girl's family and relatives Relatives of the girl blamed the local police for shoddy investigation and possible corruption.[2] One of the parents said a police officer threatened them, telling them: “Don't even try to file a lawsuit; there [is] no justice in this world.”[6] [edit] Three murder suspects Guizhou's official media published the first interview with three of the girl's friends (the murder suspects) on July 4, 2008. They were the last people to see the girl alive.[8][9] * Chen Guangquan (陈光权), 21 years old, was the victim's boyfriend. He denied any raping.[10] * Liu Yanchao (刘言超), 18 years old, said he did pushups on the bridge, then struggled after trying to save the girl. * Wang Jiao (王娇), 16 years old, she was also at the scene. [edit] Protests About 500 middle school students had gone to protest at the public security bureau, but they were turned away and beaten.[2] The girl's uncle, a local teacher, was beaten when he questioned the police. Rumors have been circulating that the uncle died from his injuries at the local hospital but this was not confirmed. This roused an angry mob of thousands of people, who began overturning cars and setting fire to government buildings, including the local Communist party headquarters.[6] The Associated Press reported "30,000 angry citizens swarmed the streets". The riot lasted 7 hours with 150 people injured. About 160 office buildings and 40 cars were torched.[11] [edit] Role of Chinese bloggers * Zhou Shuguang, a self-claimed citizen journalist also known as "Zola" in the Chinese blogosphere, went to Weng'an to conduct a personal interview with Li Shufen's family, using all the Internet communication tools like MSN, QQ, and Twitter, plus his own cell phone, posting to his personal web page unofficial reports along with photos and pleas from the family of the Li Shufen. It was believed that this was the first time Twitter had ever been used to report a mass Chinese protest. Zhou, as well as many other like-minded Chinese netizens, provide on-the-scene information on events like this, is a means to give voice to ordinary Chinese whose stories get overlooked in a country where all the media is under the control of China's Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.[12] *, a social networking website (owned by Hainan Tianya Online Networking Technology Co.) that offers various chat rooms for bloggers to discuss social issues, played a indispensable role in the supporting of the students' actions during the riot. As reported by Jonathan Ansfield on 2, 2008: All night and morning, I was clicking on posts about it. First it was there. Then it was gone. Then it was there again. Then gone. Every few minutes it was being deleted, sometimes every few seconds. The site had orders to block it. That was obvious. But they couldn't keep up. Every time they did, we Netizens got angrier and angrier.” Roland Soong of ESWN(East South West North, a well known website that does a massive amount of Chinese-to-English translation, wrote: "For example, the first item says that oveseas media are paying a great deal of attention to the lives of people living in the plateau of the Yunnan-Guizhou area. The second item says that the people of X'an (Guizhou) are lighting an extra large sacred flame to celebrate the Beijing Olympics. The third item just says, "Delete this!! Your mother's c*nt!" The fourth item says that "when the army arrives in southwestern China, I think something big will happen! I believe that our troops(人民子弟兵) have conscience." The fifth item says that the anti-American(反美) posts from the anti-American warriors(反美鬥士) have all met death -- the revolution has not yet succeeded and our comrades need to keep working(革命尚未成功,同志尚須努力, a famous quotation from Sun Yat-sen). What was that last one? The term "American" is being used for "Chinese government"!" * Xinhua, the official central government news agency, played an unusual role in this incident, simply by keep open a chat room for bloggers to voice their anger towards the local bunkering and incompetent officials. By June 29, there had been more than 200,000 hits on the 2,000 remarks left in the chatroom of the only uncensored official Xinhua website, mostly in strong condemnation of the way the police mishandled the girl’s death and the popular protest.[13] * At several other popular forums or chat sites, including Kdnet (猫眼看人), Maopu (猫撲), Strong Nation (强國),, Netese (网易), and QQ, most of the users voiced their support for the Weng'an rioters, and they all supply their own versions of information (including text, photos, and sometimes video files), different, or sometimes opposite to the versions supplied by the Guizhou police.[14][15] [edit] Arrests Authorities have rounded up 300 people accused of taking part in the riot. Other sources have said 200 rioters were arrested. Over 1,500 paramilitary and riot police were dispatched to the county. Police detained 59 people for their alleged roles. [edit] Government response Photographs as well as comments on the Guizhou protest in chatrooms and forums were quickly deleted by the mainland Internet censors. The government launched a campaign to defuse protest ahead of the Beijing Olympics to continue carrying out social harmony and stability. An "Olympics Stability Drive" was announced after the incident. Public security officials in Guizhou offered a total of 9,000 yuan (about $1,300 or £700 or €800) to the parents of the teenage girl, with 3,000 paid by each suspect. The father said “We will never accept an evil deal like this, we need to seek justice for our daughter.”[6] Guizhou's Communist Party chief, Shi Zongyuan (石宗源), estimated that prior use of force by local officials have contributed to the widespread discontentment.[16] He further said the deep rooted reasons behind the protest were "rude and roughhand solutions" by local authorities to solve disputes over mines, demolition of homes for public projects, relocation of residents for reservoir construction, and many other issues.[17] Several local officials, including Weng'an's Party chief, have been dismissed for breach of duty on July 3 and 4, 2008.[16] [edit] Investigation The government-controlled Guizhou Daily newspaper claimed the family was too emotionally unstable to accept the findings. The Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy said three men were questioned, but were let go. Xinhua News Agency reported on July 1, 2008 that the investigation would be reopened. The provincial government sent 10 criminal investigators and forensic experts to re-investigate the death.[6] The autopsy was carried out by five experts from the Guizhou public security department and the Higher People's Court. After three autopsies, there were no signs of any sexual attack according to state officials.[7] The girl's father, Li Xiuzhong, did not accept the autopsy findings. He said "There is nothing I can do, they have sent 10 officials to my home, watching me day and night. They told me what to say when the reporters interviewed me. They threatened me that [if I said anything wrong], then another riot can happen and I must bear in mind that national security is at stake. Li Shufen was buried in her hometown about 20 km from Weng'an.[7] Provincial authority said that every year, about 600 to 800 criminal cases take place in the county, but half of them are not solved.[10]

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Deng Yujiao incident The Deng Yujiao incident (Chinese: 邓玉娇事件; pinyin: Dèng Yùjiāo Shìjiàn) occurred on 10 May 2009 at a hotel located in Badong County, Hubei province, in the People's Republic of China.[1] Deng Yujiao, a 21-year-old female pedicure worker, tried to rebuff the advances of Deng Guida (邓贵大; no relation), director of the local township business promotions office, who had come to the hotel seeking sexual services.[2] She allegedly stabbed her assailant several times trying to fight him off, resulting in his death. Badong County police subsequently arrested Deng Yujiao and charged her with homicide and refused to grant her bail. This case came to national prominence through internet forums and chatrooms, where netizens were angered by her treatment. The case resonated with the public anger over the impotence of corrupt and immoral officials, and garnered over four million forum posts across the country.[3] Chinese authorities attempted to play down the incident by limiting its presence on Chinese web portals, and a large number of discussion threads were censored.[4] Following groundswell of public protests and online petitions, prosecutors dropped murder charges, granted her bail,[2] and charged her with a lesser offense of "intentional assault".[5] She was found guilty, but did not receive a sentence due to her mental state. The two surviving officials involved in the incident were sacked, also ostensibly in response to public pressure.[6] The incident Deng Yujiao, a native of Mulongya village, Badong County, was a 21-year-old female pedicure worker at the Dream Fantasy City (梦幻城) bath center at Xiongfeng Hotel (雄风宾馆), when the incident occurred.[6] Deng Guida, born 1965, was the director of the local township's business promotions office. His deputy and one other official arrived at the hotel where Deng Yujiao worked on 10 May 2009, and allegedly requested "special services" (a euphemism commonly taken to mean sexual services in China) from Deng Yujiao. She did not submit to the requests.[6] Deng Guida had allegedly pulled out a stack of banknotes worth ¥ 4000 and slapped her in the face with it in order to show off his wealth. He then pushed the Deng Yujiao onto a sofa and proceeded to lay on top of her. At this moment, in self-defense, Deng Yujiao used a small 3 inch knife and stabbed her assailant four times. One of the stabs landed in her assailant's neck, causing him to bleed to death at the scene.[7] His deputy, Huang Dezhi (黄德智), was also stabbed. Police, who apparently found pills in her purse,[3] said Deng Yujiao may have been suffering from acute depression, and took her to a psychiatric hospital on 12 May for examination.[6] During Deng's days in the hospital her arms and ankles were tied to the bed, which was referred to by the police as "a procedure of protection". Two lawyers from Beijing, Xia Lin (夏霖) and Xia Nan (夏楠) took on her case pro bono, and on 25 May 2009, they lodged an official complaint against one of the attackers, Huang Dezhi at the Badong police station. Details of the complaint: * Huang Dezhi tried to remove her jeans and underwear by force (namely attempted rape) while she was doing laundry. * Deng Guida then used a wad of ¥4000 cash to hit her face while yelling: Didn't you want money? I bet you have not seen any money before. How much money you want, just say it, believe me or not, I shall smack you to death with money. Deng Yujiao retorted: Yes, I have never seen any money before, if you have the guts, today you smack me to death. Deng Guida then replied:I am going to smack you to death with money. I'm going to get a truck load of money to squash you to death. * After stabbing the two men (Deng Guida and Huang Dezhi), Deng Yujiao put down the knife and called local police and her mother.[8][9] [edit] Police chief's interview On 22 May 2009, Yang Liyong (楊立勇) was interviewed by Southern Metropolis Daily, during which he presented the official police version of the incident. 1. Deng is a service worker at the KTV. 2. She was requested of a bathing service between opposite sex. On reporter's question: Why was the Deng Guida's demand of special service being changed into bathing service, Yang replied:(on special service) may be a lot of people understand it as a sexual service, a sex trade, but on this case, the trade had not gone through, we have no choice, we can only call it a bathing service between opposite sex. 3. Quoted:The public security bureau thinks that she is suspected of committing intentional murder based upon two direct pieces of evidence. First, death was caused. Secondly, Deng Guida suffered two fatal stab wounds which we determined to be quite powerful. Two fatal stab wounds. Unquoted. 4. Quoted:During our investigation of this case, the whole matter is really a very ordinary case involving death. But the public and the media insist on turning into a tragedy. [10] After Deng turned herself in to the Police, she was initially charged with murder. Deng claimed she acted in self-defense after the official attempted to rape her. Blogger Wu Gan, wrote about her case in his blog. A Berkeley professor remarked to the New York Times that instead of garnering hundreds of thousands of mentions on Internet blogs and other forums, Deng’s case accumulated in excess of four million posts across different websites.[3] Deng's plight struck a note with millions of Chinese fed up with low-level corruption and "rampant social injustice and the lack of fundamental respect in society", in the words of a Beijing lawyer.[4] Deng was hailed as a national hero for resisting official abuse of power. Her supporters, who demanded a fair trial, took their protest to Beijing. Their visual stunt was a woman wearing a mask and wrapped in white cloth; a sign saying "Anyone could be Deng Yujiao" was laid on the ground around her. The photos immediately appeared on the Internet.[3] Chinese bloggers showed their solidarity with Deng Yujiao by distributing free T-shirts on the net with popular slogans like: * 江山如此多娇!Translation: The rivers and mountains are so charming and gorgeous. This is a poem by Mao Tsetung, the last Chinese character is 嬌, which is also Deng Yujiao's name. * 巴东玉娇龙,华夏女英雄!Translation: Badong Yu Jiao-long, Huaxia heroine. Yu Jiao-long is a famous movie character, where Yu Jiao is also Deng Yujiao's name. * 中国烈女,公民楷模!Translation: Heroic woman, citizen role model. * 抗暴无罪!Translation: It is no sin to resist violence. As a result of the national outcry, Police released her on bail,[2] put her under house arrest;[4] prosecutors charged her with a lesser offense of "intentional assault" instead of murder.[5] The two surviving officials were sacked on 31 May. Xinhua reported that Badong County Communist Party Discipline Inspection Committee removed Huang Dezhi from the post of vice director of the office of business delegations of Yesanguan Township, and stripped of his CPC membership, as he had "pushed and shoved and verbally insulted a waitress who refused to accompany them to take a bath" in a bathhouse on 10 May in Badong, the authorities said. Huang has been "detained in connection with public order offences." Deng Zhongjia, 45, another vice director of the same office who was present at the time of the incident, was also fired, osetensibly because the incident had caused a "bad social effect" although he had not broken any laws or regulations.[11] [edit] Censorship and alleged official meddling The Badong county police said that an official had been killed whilst in a "quarrel" with Deng Yujiao. Their statement issued on 13 May said that Deng Guida twice pushed the girl onto a sofa, and was killed by a pedicure knife. Police said that the murder weapon was a "fruit knife" five days later.[4] Meng Jianzhu, minister of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China, allegedly gave instruction to his deputy: “ When dealing with these matters, I hope our police colleagues will have a faster response next time. Those internet bloggers don't talk sense, so we will not be talking sense back to them. The suspect and the evidence are both in our hands. There is no need to watch public opinion so closely and treat the case according to the wishes of netizens. We should arrest those that need to be arrested, and execute those that need to be executed. The Shanghai authorities executed Yang Jia; has there been any problems? They had the support of the Central Government. If they didn't execute Yang Jia, who would dare to work as police in the future?[12][13] ” Deng Yujiao's mother received a call, purportedly from the police, after which she washed most of her daughter's clothes thereby removing potential physical evidence. The police also announced on 23 May that she had hired two Hubei lawyers to replace the initial lawyers who, it was alleged, had breached Deng Yujiao's privacy.[4] On approximately 22 May, Beijing censors ordered websites to stop reporting the case. The State Council Information Office issued directives to all Chinese websites to remove all the recommended news stories and commentaries on Deng Yujiao. No posts about Deng Yujiao must be placed at the top of the page. Later on, the Beijing Information Office also telephoned various portals instructing them to use only official government statements and not report or comment on Deng Yujiao. The State Information Office also order media and web portals to dilute the Deng Yujiao case with other news, delete any open letters and pleadings, and bar any web based opinion poll or petition.[14][15] Television and the Internet were cut off in Yesanguan, officially as a "precaution" against lightning strikes. The Internet attention drew Chinese journalists to Badong County. But after censorship was imposed, local officials began screening outsiders, and some journalists seeking to report there were beaten. The blog of Wu Gan, which had publicised Deng's case, was shut down by censors.[3] [edit] Trial According to the media, her murder charge was changed to intentional assault, most likely following massive public pressure from internet users who hailed her as a "heroine".[5] At her trial on 16 June, a judge said the court had found her guilty because Deng had used excessive force even though she was acting in self-defense. The lenient sentence was on account of diminished responsibility, and because she had surrendered to police and the officials involved had made a "major mistake." One Beijing human rights lawyer, said the court would not have freed Deng if there was not so much pressure from so much national attention. The Standard reported that mainland websites were "euphoric" after the trial. Deng's family i can say without internet help she will sentence to death in deed, because she comes from such a poor family without money and power deng's bed deng's grandma deng's grandpa parents divioced, deng family's food kitchen

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The original Chinese article was banned in China, so I help to translate into English version. Afternoon of 9 March, I post visit Chen Guangcheng’s family, we were kicked out by village《探望陈光诚家人,我们被打出村庄》, within 25 hours later, article banned. Many readers want me to post again, let more people know the truth, so I try it again hope will not be banned within hours. Nowadays, lot posts are banned on internet, it shook me up too, I still have the jitters. Title: visit Chen Guangcheng’s family, we were kicked out by village Recently, Shangdong’s interview is not successful, many parties are fear to speak it out because of different pressure come from different directions, more of then are fear to meet journalist, I was refused too. Today is 8 March, Sunday, it’s impossible to start our work, think about Chen Guangcheng still jailed, his family is Shangdong, I have a wish to wish Mr. Chen in jail, and visit his parents, wife, and child. Mr. Chen is the most respect person in modern China now. I know him 4 years ago, I remembered its autumn of 2005, Beijing. I met him who is blind hold by his wife at a café shop. He is investigate on local authority’s cure family planning action, they expect me to give a talk about how the way news investigation works, conversation takes hours. I know him before I met, because many friend of mine introduce his achievements impress me a lot. 2007, his wife was not allowed to go abroad because of “her passport is expired on 2006, “ a officer said , now let me show you’re her passport and visa. More information Many friends went to visit, but all failed. I once decide to go, however, friends told me, it’s so hard to get a chance to his village, so better give up to visit him at jail. Home visit Early morning of 8 march, me and my student, and 2 local shangdong friends, go to Yinan county. Mr. Chen has 2 children and old mother, so we buy many food and toy first. On the way to home visit, some friends ask me to take some money for Mr.Chen’s family, I already did it. About 14:15, our car arrives 205 national highway, 5 kilometers away from Menglianggu. We saw lot people there seems wait for car, so we stop to ask how to go to Mr. chen’s village, however, that road is the way to entry the village. So we turn around to drive. Just we turn around, a very strong man come to knock our window, “ why you come?”. “nothing”. He keep asking, but we don’t reply, go ahead. We saw his motorbike follows us. His action made me think something is out of control. I plan ahead before I come here, I know what risk may happen, however think about Mr. chen’s wife – Yuan Weijing’s mobilephone may be monitored, so I give up to call her in order to meet her successfully. We drive fast, about 300 meters already in the village. There is a old man sit sidewalk, we ask where is Mr. Chen’s home, old man told us 30 meters near the lane. After we turn around, that moto man arrive, and ask the old man who we just talk to, then follow us again. Besiegement Just arrive the lane, the motorman stop us, “why you come?”. “nothing”. “why you come, you cant go.” “what’s wrong with you, we visit relations.” We step-down, bring food and toy from trunk. Motorman pick his phone call, he saw us keep go, then he once again stop us, “ who you look fir? You cant go”. “why you stop me”. “ I am here, this is our rule.” Few minutes, 4 or 5 men come out from lane, and ask us who we look for. “I look for Chen Guangcheng, what’s wrong?” a tall fat man said “ you cant go, go home now.” he pushed me heavily. Then he ask me you want fight? I ask “ what’s your identity, why stop me?” he said, “ we belong to village, we not allow you to visit, so you cant!” the motorman said, “ don’t you know what happen to him (Mr. Chen), why dare to visit, hurry up back home now!” PS: do you still remember that my previous article, someone visit BLACK JAIL in Beijing!!! ‘ why I cant visit” I asked. A man said” who you really are”. “ I am citizen of peoples’ republic of china, whats wrong”. No one answer me, but laugh, then attack us. Don’t know when, another 5 men come, a new come man took my student to sidewalk, and push with another man, ask you want fight, don’t you? Fat men and motorman ouch me, heavy and more heavy. I have to turn around, my student come to stop them, but they push again. My student took a box of milk, and said” make a deal, could you let Mr.Chen’s wife come out, we give her goods then leave” a man said “ cant, you cant visit her, give your goods to us, we will give to her.” Our driver come out and say the same, but refused by those men. Because worry the possibility they give goods to Mr. Chen;s family, so we keep talking, wish give to her directly. Or we ask give to Mr.Chen;s neighbor, ask neighbor gives to her. But those men around us, don’t let us to close to neighbor. We have to step back, they have more than 10 men feel pleased with themselves, “ go fast, do you want fight?” fat men push me back to left side of car, another men come close, push three of us back to car, and force to put goods back to trunk. It’s 10 minutes left already, I feel we have no chance to give goods to Mr. Chen’s wife, if we keep move on, they will have a real fight to us. If four of us cant keep, and fight back, what we will face is CRAZY BEAT! Such Instance situation, driver and student told me backup, go back to car, however, beat still comes. Beaten up They push me to right side of car, 2 door opened by driver. When I go into car, the fat man push me, me and student just get in, the fat man kick me on my arm, “ you go or no, go or not”. Then he punch my face, I hold up my arm, come is go forward. At the same time, my student sit inside the car, the man around him, “ still don’t go? Want a fight” then kick my student, my student become very angry facing him, the man punch my student arm and said “look what, look what”. After car drives more than 10 meters, we can close door, those men still keep and kick. We found someone of them keep calling, diver said, “ bad luck, they may call more people to contain us on the way home”. Our car on the main road, we found 3 motorbikes come to follow. Phone call 14:30, we left the village, towards to Yinan county. I first time called Mr. Chen’s wife. I want to meet her, give goods and some money, in another hand, we already near the village. “hello, Weijing, I am Wang Keqing” “Teacher Wang, you come already.” “I come to visit you, just arrive near your home, then a group men beat up” “ teacher wang, are you okay?” “ don’t worry, just get some kicks” “ teacher wang, you don’t know these men near my home for 1 year, last year, someone come to visit us, also beat up, some of them are juried. You better leave now soon, they wont let you go. Soon a no license car will come to you” “who are those men, villager, lead of village?” “none of them, mixed band of people, totally 22, everyday 11 come to watch over us 24 hours, the rest swift near my home.” “ these men surround my home, 2 group keep near the entry of village, anyone come to visit us are not able to arrive, you are the first at 2009, its not easy to arrive village, the place you are standing at that time, it’s only 10 meters to my home, normally, we are not allowed to buy food or go to work at farm, they watch over all the time, at night, they sit my window and listen” “ weijing, I got it, we bring some good for you today, but beaten u, we cant go inside, could you come out, we meet at Menlianggu.” “I try my best.” Hang out phone, I call driver turn around to Menlianggu. Within 200 meter, we found 2 bikes stop there. I shocked. It’s worse situation than I think. Local shangdong friends get worried, asked me to leave soon. I have to agree and turn around to Yinan county again. Then I called Yuan Weijing, someone still follow us, we cant meet. Yuan said, “ teacher wang, you hurry up leave, leave shangdong, don’t come to visit us anymore.” She repeats be care, and leave shangdong soon. I hang out phone, keep silent for a long time, then I call the Mr. Chen’s brother, I want to ask weather he is in county now, if he is there, so we can give goods to him. But his answer shocked me. “teacher wang, leave fast as you can, I cant take trouble to you, last time, my mother and I met someone who come to visit us at a snack bar, you don’t know someone watch us, then that shop banned, and give a 20 thousand yuan fine. We cant make other people no affair with us into trouble, it’s worthless, be careful of you.” What we want to do is give some food and toy to Mr.Chen’s children, and some milk and fruits to old man, some money. But it can be happen. Driver told me fasten my belt, he found motorbikes come. Ran away Our car fast. We worry will be clocked. Driver worried so he decided to change to another road, however, another road cant go. We keep car near a stone set. 2 truck is upload stones. We sit in car, think about today’s adventure, no one wants to speak. We must leave shangdong as soon as we can. If go to county, we worry will be captured by local police. Finally we got a idea, makeup car as a marriage car. So my student walk thousand mils to buy makeup things.16:30, we make up our car. And successfully leave. After leave shangdong, I call Yuan, we are safe now. she told us, three men around her now, she cant talk, she worry I will hurt by those men, but lucky, you are all safe. Yuan said” I am a woman, my family all women, they 11 strong men 24 hours watch us, around my home, how can I live? More terrible, they listen me at night, my window’s platform is bright and smooth now!”

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Jan. 17: Following sentencing, blind Chen Guangcheng has given power of attorney to his lawers
Jan. 23: Guo Feixiong case returned from Procuratorate to police for further investigation, Guangzhou police hand Guo Feixiong over to Liaoning police to be tried

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the report "A_HRC_11_25_CHN_E" can be found here

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