Jan. 17: Following sentencing, blind Chen Guangcheng has given power of attorney to his lawers
Jan. 23: Guo Feixiong case returned from Procuratorate to police for further investigation, Guangzhou police hand Guo Feixiong over to Liaoning police to be tried
Jan. 25: Yuan Weijing decides to purchase a digital camcorder and digital camera
Jan. 29: Chinese citizen Hu Jia's letter inviting Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Jianchao to personally monitor human rights
Jan. 28: Guo Feixiong, Jiang Wei and "Shenyang Political Earthquake"
Jan. 31: Li Xige: I followed the law and paid my Family Planning fine, but has the government followed the law in upholding the rights and interests of those with AIDS?
Feb. 2: Defence council for Guo Feixiong's case's legal recommendation to the Tian He District Procuratorate in Guangzhou
Feb. 4: Dr. Gao Yaojie illegally detained by Henan government, prevented from traveling to US to accept award
Feb. 7: Li Xige:Where are you, Dr. Gao?
Feb. 12: Dr. Gao Yaojie illegally detained for 12th day, Chinese government responding to inquiries from international society with lies
Feb. 15: Dr. Gao Yaojie forced to write letter of entrustment
Feb. 17: Chinese government obstructs Dr. Gao Yaojie from traveling to America to accept award
Feb. 22: Dr. Gao Yaojie arrives safely in Beijing
Feb. 25: Chen Guangcheng transferred by police, detention center refuses to tell where to
Feb. 26: Chen Guangcheng was arrested on Feb. 9, taken to carry out sentence in Lihang labor reform camp, Linyi City
Feb. 26: The judgement in Chen Guangcheng case
Feb. 27: Linyi prison in Shandong continues for no reason to block Chen Guangcheng's family from visiting him
March 1: Under Yuan Weijing's persistence, Shandong police today no long blocked family from visiting Guangcheng
March 22: Lawyer Li Jinsong will meet Chen Guangcheng at Linyi prison, Yuan Weijing remains under house arrest
April 4: Chen Guangcheng's wife, son and relatives once again deprived visitation rights
April 5: Commemorating Mr. Zhao Ziyang for Qingming Festival, crippled Tiananmen survivor Qi Zhiyong is arrested by police
April 5: He Tian: Tiananmen cripple Qi Zhiyong holds memorial service for Zhao Ziyang over Qingming Festival
April 7: Gao Zhisheng's lawyer breaks through information clampdown, speaks out for first time on the family's plight
April 11: Beijing Nailhouse—Brothers Ye Guozhu and Ye Guoqiang
April 12: Response: Sun Ailing, transfusion infectee, returned home yesterday from Henan Province #6 Hospital to Gongyi City
April 19: Yuan Weijing and Chen Guangfu both successfully visit Chen Guangcheng
April 19: The blind man with faith in rule of law
April 28: 4·27 Freedom Day
May 15: Prosecution procedures to begin shortly today in Guo Feixiong case
May 15: On his birthday, Tiananmen cripple Qi Zhiyong once again placed under illegal detention by state security police(SSP)
May 15: Tiananmen cripple Qi Zhihong's letter of thanks
May 21: Seeing wife out to buy food, met with violent beating and verbal abuse from undercover police from Beijing SSP squad
May 28: Yuan Weijing's 6 months of home stakeout are up, police continue to restrict her freedom of person
May 28: Under Yuan Weijing's stern negotiations, police have been forced to formally release her from "home stakeout"
June 2: Gao Zhisheng's lawyer once again beaten by Beijing SSP upon leaving prison
June 4: He Tian's Tiananmen Retrospection part 2
June 8: Chen Guangcheng makes his first phone call since beginning his sentence (6/8/07)
June 8: Focus on Guo Feixiong's case for the month of June
June 9: Tian He District Court in Guangzhou suggest possible delayed trial in Guo Feixiong case
June 11: Chen Guangcheng under arrest for one year today, Yuan Weijing once again cut off from all communication
June 15: Wife of June 4th victim writing on the 18th year since
June 17: Activist writer Xiao Qiao arrested by police in Shanghai
June 19: SSP arrest rights activist Liu Anjun, stealthily violate Olympic Games freedom to interview
June 19: Liu Anjun's cardiac disease recurs, family go to police station to deliver medication
June 21: Photos of petitioner rights activist Liu Anjun
June 23: Lawyer Tang Jingling receives summons, Liu Anjun removed from observation
June 25: Lawyer Li Jinsong arrives at Linyi prison, to meet Chen Guangcheng in afternoon
June 25: Linyi prison officials refust to let lawyer Li Jinsong see Chen Guangcheng
June 26: Lawyer Li Jinsong has decided he must see Chen Guangcheng this trip
June 26: Lawyer Li Jinsong enters prison grounds and will see Chen Guangcheng
June 27: Christian Xu Yonghai has been illegally detained by Beijing police
June 27: Lawyer Li Jinsong will meet with Chen Guangcheng to verify Guangcheng has been hurt
June 28: Guo Feixiong case to be further delayed, possibly until end of July
July 1: To prevent Gao Zhisheng from traveling to US to accept award, police again have taken him away
July 5: Chen Guangcheng's wife Yuan Weijing is at my home
July 6: Yuan Weijing to meet American embassy human righst officials, I was kept from going
July 9: Guo Feixiong's case opens today in court
July 10: Court in Tian He, Guangzhou holds hearing shamelessly manipulated by Politics and Law Committee
July 10: Professor Jiang Yanyong is struggling for the right to leave the country
July 12: British diplomatic officials were successful in seeing Yuan Weijing, mother and daughter
July 18: Chen Guangcheng's family visit successful, but held under prison's heavy surveillance
July 20: Defence from Guo Feixiong's first hearing
July 25: Lawyer Zheng Enchong applies to be present at Zhou Zhengyi's trial, is placed under house arrest
July 29: Lawyer Zheng Enchong sees freedom of faith violated, launches hunger strike and silent sit-in protest aimed at SSP
July 30: Rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng once again besieged by police
July 31: Friends from afar—visiting lawyer Gao Zhisheng (1)
Aug. 1: Beijing police seek to detain christian Xu Yonghai
Aug. 2: Fighting the tide and the future of the system—visiting lawyer Gao Zhisheng (2)
Aug. 3: Democracy and peace are the the bridge across both sides of the strait—visiting lawyer Gao Zhisheng (3)
Aug. 3: The voice of the plebes is more than a river—visiting lawyer Gao Zhisheng (4)
Aug. 5: Christian Xu Yonghai welcomes illegal arrest with a fast and prayer
Aug. 5: Zheng Enchong barred from going to church, first aid applied
Aug. 8: Xu Yonghai detained by police, held at at police station for reasons related to Olympic celebration
Aug. 9: A June 4th cripple's first day in the countdown to the Olympic games
Aug. 13: Li Xige's open letter to national chairman Hu Jintao
Aug. 14: Guo Feixiong's wife Zhang Qing's open letter to Hu Jintao
Aug. 17: Yuan Weijing breaks out from house arrest for first time
Aug. 20: Yuan Weijing has decided to travel to the Philippines to accept award on behalf of husband Chen Guangcheng
Aug. 22: Guo Feixiong's wife Zhang Qing has sent Hu Jintao an open letter through the mail
Aug. 24: The PSB's SSP are making plans to obstruct Yuan Weijing
Aug. 24: Yuan Weijing and 2-year-old daughter Chen Kesi have been intercepted by SSP for third time
Aug. 27: Update on Yuan Weijing's situation
Aug. 28: Please honor your promise to the world and the country—An open letter to the Seventeenth Party Congress Regarding the Zhejiang PSB's criminal detention of Lu Gengsong
Aug. 28: Guo Feixiong's wife Zhang Qing continues enquiries, complaints see some headway
Sept. 3: Magsaysay award issued in absensce, Yuan Weijing violently kidnapped for second time this week
Sept. 5: Lawyers obstructed from seeing Yang Chunlin, Heilongjiang authorities up to their old tricks
Sept. 8: Qi Zhihong: Petitioner Village to be demolished
Sept. 11: The truth about China before the Olympics
Sept. 13: Prior to the Seventeenth National Party Congress, China's politics and law system creating an atmosphere of widespread terror
Sept. 20: Qi Zhihong: Petition Village is full of destitution, and the capital has become the tiger's mouth
Sept. 25: Beijing SSP have threatened to send rights activists to mental institution for duration of 17th National Party Congress
Sept. 25: Lawyer Gao Zhisheng is being illegally constrained by SSP secret police
Sept. 25: Li Xige placed under house arrest, mooncakes sent are being intercepted
Sept. 27: Human rights officials from American consulate in Shanghai meet with Lu Gengsong's family
Sept. 28: Yang Chunlin case transferred to Procuratorate, police revoke bail prior to trial
Sept. 30: Zhejiang writer Lu Gengsong formally arrested
Sept. 30: Beijing police arrest rights activist Ye Mingjun, Ye Guoqiang's whereabouts unknown
Oct. 1: Just who was it that kidnapped and beat up lawyer Li Heping?
Oct. 3: Notice regarding mailbox robbery and e-mail impersonation
Oct. 4: National Day and 17th National Party Congress approach, police continue to violate citizens' rights
Oct. 6: Olympics prisoner Yang Chunlin being mistreated in Heitong Detention Center in Heilongjiang province
Oct. 10: Searching for missing Yao Lifa
Oct. 10: Please assist in the search for Yao Lifa and others
Oct. 10: Yang Chunli's case has been transferred to the Procuratorate, meeting with lawyer continues to be postponed
Oct. 11: Lu Gengong's wife's open letter to Mr. Hu Jintao
Oct. 12: Hua Huiqi loses consciousness following beating, police in Chongwen and Fengtai clash
Oct. 12: Yao Yao: Call for mainland friends to assist in search for missing Yao Lifa
Oct. 14: Injured christian Hua Huiqi's first phone call since recovering senses
Oct. 16: Recommendation to China's Communist Party to apply for several Guiness World Records
Oct. 16: Christian Hua Huiqi at 2pm on Oct. 16 to be forced out of hospital
Oct. 16: Police in Chongwen impersonate medical staff, lock Hua Huiqi in his hospital room
Oct. 17: Suggestions to PRC Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Jianchao
Oct. 23: Chen Guangcheng's wife Zhang Qing barred from visiting husband
Oct. 24: A letter of thanks for the Dalai Lama given to German PM Ms. Merkel
Oct. 24: PSB strengthen case against Olympics prisoners Ye Guoqiang and Ye Mingjun
Oct. 25: Lawyer meets with Olympics prisoner Yang Chunli, police bar him from speaking of mistreatment
Oct. 25: Re: "SSP"
Oct. 29: Hubei police now searching through Yao Lifa's home
Oct. 29: Yao Lifa has been freed!
Oct. 30: Olympics prisoner Ye Mingjun has been released on bail and returned home to await trial
Nov. 3: Protest PSB and SSP preventing citizens from seeing deceased Bao Zunxin off
Nov. 3: Beijing SSP kidnap people commemorating Bao Zunxin
Nov. 4: Following 37 hours arrest for commemorating Bao Zunxin, Qi Zhihong returns home
Nov. 7: Chen Guangcheng's wife's letter to the All China Women's Federation calling for help
Nov. 9: Tiananmen cripple Qi Zhihong has once again been illegally prevented from leaving the country
Nov. 20: Police in Shangqiu, Henan province arrest peacefully petitioning blood transfusion AIDS victims
Nov. 21: Yuan Weijing once again obstructed during visit to husband Chen Guangcheng
Nov. 21: Henan blood transfusion AIDS victims leave for Beijing to petition at Health Bureau
Nov. 22: National Petition Office simply hands Henan blood transfusion AIDS victims over to thugs
Nov. 22: Chen Guangcheng's 4-year-old son cut off from seeing his mother for two months
Nov. 22: Portrait of Chen Guangcheng with wife and son
Nov. 23: Henan provincial governor Li Chengyu's gets involved in Ningling AIDS crisis
Nov. 23: Chen Guangcheng's wife Yuan Weijing letter to Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao calling for help
Nov. 25: Beijing SSP once again illegally detain citizens for commemorating Mr. Bao Zunxin
Nov. 28: We are all Minjian
Nov. 29: Guo Feixiong's wife Zhang Qing's second open letter to national chairman Hu Jintao
Nov. 29: Repost: Urgent notice of situation of "Minjian" magazine editor Zhai Minglei
Nov. 29: PM Wen Jiabao to visit Henan AIDS village tomorrow
Nov. 30: Rights activist Zhang Wenhe illegally forced into police mental institution
Nov. 30: Lu Gengsong case transferred to Hangzhou Procuratorate on Nov. 28
Nov. 30: Wenlou AIDS village, Shangcai County, Henan resident Ma Shenyi and others have been placed under house arrest by government
Nov. 30: Chinese PM Wen Jiabao visits AIDS village in Henan, villagers express disappointment
Dec. 1: Feng Zhenghu: Recount from outside the court following the Zhou Zhengyi verdict
Dec. 3: Landless Fujin farmers divide up land today, call for widespread attention
Dec. 3: Cellphone video outside the court following a verdict in the Zhou Zhengyi case
Dec. 5: Guo Feixiong's wife Zhang Qing goes on hunger strike protest with open letter recounting injustice faced by imprisoned husband (1)
Dec. 7: Lawyer Mo Shaoping will meet with imprisoned writer Lu Gengsong
Dec. 7: Lu Gengsong: "Jailsong"
Dec. 7: Yang Chunlin case once again handed over to Procuratorate
Dec. 11: World Human Rights Day, Guo Feixiong's wife Zhang Qing sends open letter to national chairman Hu Jintao (3)
Dec. 11: Peng Dingding: News from the Petition Office
Dec. 11: Henan government forging official letters, illegally held Li Xige from taking part in AIDS training
Dec. 12: Shanghai evictee rights activist Gong Haoming released on bail awaiting trail and returns home
Dec. 12: Ningling Deputy County Chief Li Ping refuses to recognize responsibility for Li Xige incident
Dec. 12: Qi Zhihong: Human Rights Day in the snow
Dec. 12: Text of Li Xige's planned speech at upcoming All China Women's Federation training session
Dec. 12: Zhang Qing has first meeting with Guo Feixiong in detention center
Dec. 12: Rights representative of landless farmers in Fujin, Heilongjiang Yu Changwu has been arrested
Dec. 13: Li Xige's husband Sun Jianfeng is being held at All China Women's Federation training sit
Dec. 13: Lawyers rush to training site to protect Li Xige's husband Sun Jianfeng's rights
Dec. 14: Fujin displaced farmers' rights upholder representative Yu Changwu was been criminally detained
Dec. 19: Guo Feixiong's wife Zhang Qing sees off open letter to national chairman Hu Jintao with a hunger strike protest (4)
Dec. 19: Reposted: An article from Mr. Feng Zhenghu
Dec. 19: Independent Chinese Pen's Li Jianhong has been illegally detained by Shanghai SSP
Dec. 21: Calls to rescue lawyer Gao Zhisheng (English)
Dec. 21: Fine enforcement notice from Guo Feixiong case
Dec. 22: Lawyer Gao Zhisheng on probation, a year later
Dec. 22: Contact lost with house arrested Xiao Qiao, Beijing once again carries out group house arrest
Dec. 22: Winter Solstice: SSP strengthen their use of illegal detainment
Dec. 23: Qi Zhihong: One large coat
Dec. 23: A common story at Petition Village: A self-employed retired soldier shot and crippled for life, indifferent local government treats their duties like a soccer game
Dec. 23: Independent Chinese Pen's Li Jianhong has regained her freedom
Dec. 24: Shanghai residents efforts to uphold their rights
Dec. 25: Zhang Qing deduces that Guo Feixiong has gone on hunger strike, prepares to visit this week
Dec. 27: Guangzhou courts freeze and strip Guo Feixiong's wife Zhang Qing's bank account clean of all assets

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