From now on, I will focus on English post, because people in China are not able to view Wordpress because of closed network by Chinese media control, anyone who wants to view something across the block system, will sentence to be jailed, however, the majority who views Wordpress are English speaking. In order to reach as much democrat as I can, I will do my best in English article to tell what is happening in China, those news you will never have a chance to get from your local TV station or your stated owned media group.

I know I am doing something dangerous, one man against government, even they have my actual information, but I am here Thailand, what they effect to me, stop me telling truth, as I said many times, I refused to be brainwashed. I don’t want get a job in China by losing my point of view.

Our country needs a revolution, if no body wants to devote to it, let me be the first blooding one, I will contribute myself to Chinese democracy movement, I will not run away. In the history, all reform started from educated students, but I already lost hope for college students in China, because how many of them will think things in different angle, all of them think the same, money first policy. If you can not jump the cage, how will you be able to know what democracy is, how important freedom of speech, human rights means to every normal Chinese in China. No democracy no hope, no freedom of speech no smart Chinese. Please be together to fight for it, China needs a hope, our children need a bright new China to survive.
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