王力雄(1953年5月2日- ),中国大陆作家、藏学家、民族问题专家及民间环保人士。祖籍山东龙口,汉族,现居北京。










* 《黄祸》,1991年,政治寓言小说。该书描绘中国陷于政治、经济、文化、人口与生态的重大危机,终于导致整个社会的总崩溃,难民大批冲出国境,危及世界和人类的存在。这部小说引起海外媒体追踪报道,王力雄也由此获誉“中国最敢言的作家”。该书后来入选亚洲周刊二十世纪中文小说一百强,列第41位,至今仍在港台及海外畅销。

* 《天葬:西藏的命运》,1998年,西藏问题专著。王力雄在书中以大量的亲身经历和实地所见来陈述他的论证,涉及到了西藏问题的历史、现状与各个方面。这部著作在汉人与藏人中都得到了高度的评价,被认为是迄今为止研究西藏问题最为客观、深刻的著作之一,展现出王对西藏这片土地的深切悯怀与过人洞见。海外媒体曾组织研讨会专门予以讨论。2009年推出增订版。

* 《自由人心路》,1999年,以生态环境保护为主的思想随笔。书后附录小册子《溶解权力》,政治制度设计专著。这部书讨论的是选举方式,并提出了一个全新的概念-“逐层递选制”,就是希望以此方法使中国大陆的体制安全转型。

* 《与达赖喇嘛对话》,2002年,对话录。

* 《递进民主——中国的第三条道路》,2004年,政治制度设计专著。参考了主流学术界的行文方式,重新诠释了“逐层递选制”,并对中国当前的经济、生态、社会、政治危机进行了深入剖析。

* 2007年7月,与妻子唯色合著的英文文集《Unlocking Tibet》在瑞士出版。书中收录他数年来研究西藏问题的多篇文章。

* 《我的西域,你的东土》,2007年,新疆问题专著,《天葬:西藏的命运》的姊妹篇。整理收入了99年曾发表于互联网的《新疆追记》一文,另有王此后四次重返新疆的见闻,对新疆当地维族人士的访谈,以及如何解决新疆问题的思考。书中有大量的实拍维族图片和民俗情况记述,都是首次公开。

* 散篇:《911启示录》,《末法时代——藏传佛教的功能及其被毁坏》,《达赖喇嘛是西藏问题的钥匙》,《有关达赖喇嘛的一个幻想小说提纲》,《新疆追记》,《民族主义与宗教》,《西藏面对的两种帝国主义——透视唯色事件》,《毛泽东主义与人间天堂》,《底层毛泽东与“经济文革”》,《中国从文革得到什么》,《以超越者联盟突破精英联盟》等。

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Wang Lixiong (Chinese: 王力雄; pinyin: Wáng Lìxióng, born 2 May 1953) is a Chinese writer and scholar, best known for his political prophecy fiction, Yellow Peril , which was ranked 41st in The 100 Most Influential Chinese Novels in 20th Centuryby Asia Weekly and has gained widespread popularity in China as well as worldwide media attention despite having been banned by the communist regime.

Wang is also a well-known Tibetologist, specialist and critic of Chinese-Tibetan relations, his book Sky Burial:The Fate of Tibet is considered the first and best choice for people who wants to explore into issues of Tibet in a rational way and with full spectrum of views.

Wang is regarded as one of the most outspoken dissidents, democracy activists and reformers in China.

Early Life and Education

Wang Lixiong was born in 1953 at Changchun in Jilin province and currently resides in Beijing. His mother was a playwright of Changchun Film Group Corporation, and his father, Wang Shaolin, was the vice president of China Fist Automobile Works, who was alleged to have been a Capitalist roader and Soviet revisionism spy by the communist regime during Cultural Revolution, and committed suicide in 1968 after his long imprisonment.

Together with many fresh high school graduates in cities, Wang was sent to countryside for four years from 1969 to 1973 following Mao Zedong's Down to the Countryside Movement, a result of the anti-bourgeois thinking prevalent. In 1973, he was admitted into Jilin University of Technologyby virtue of his hard laboring during the so-called reeducation, and after the graduation, he was assigned to work in China Fist Automobile Works that his father used to work.

In 1980, Wang quitted his job and became a freelance until now.

[edit] Adventures

Wang is an adventurous explorer, having traveled to all the provinces of mainland China, mostly the less developed areas, through biking, hiking or riding etc.

His most famous adventure was the solo rafting along the upper reaches of Yellow River, the cradle of Chinese civilization, in Amdo area of Tibet Plateau in 1984. It took him three months to travel 1200km on a raft made of inner tubes of truck tires by himself. And his diary during the time was published in 1988 by Huacheng Publishing with the title Drifting.

Notably, the journey aroused the greatest passion of him in that beautiful and mysterious land, Tibet! And consequently, much of his later work was related to Tibet.

[edit] Writing Highlights

In 1983, Wang’s first novella The Patient of Perpetual Motion Machine was published by Jintian (Mandarin for "today"). It is a story about a farmer’s journey to invent Perpetual Motion Machine with the faith that he, his family and his village would be salvaged from poverty by having this magic machine. The protagonist was widely considered very symbolic of the author himself – quixotic or idealistic.

In 1991, Yellow Peril was published by Mirror Books under pseudonym Bao Mi (Mandarin for "Kept Secret"), painted an apocalyptic scenario in which civil war erupts between north and south China - with Nationalist-ruled Taiwan backing the south - and ends in nuclear conflict and millions of starving refugees spilling across borders. For years, the author of one of the best-selling novels in the Chinese-speaking world was known simply to readers as "Bao Mi", for Wang’s own protection because he broke taboos and spelled China's doomsday. Yellow Peril was recently translated into English as China Tidal Wave.

Beginning with his solitary adventure rafting across Tibet plateau along the upper reaches of Yellow River in 1984, and after more than a decade study of Tibet during which he had been to Tibet dozens of times and lived in that region for more than two years, Wang finished his book Sky Burial: The Fate of Tibetin 1998. The book, with the honest and unbiased views; throughout investigation of histories; detailed analysis of issues and comprehensive supporting data, immediately won him high regards from both the supporters of Chinese government and followers of The Dalai Lama, and became a mandate in Tibet study.

From 1991 to 1994, he wrote a book of political theory, Dissolving Power: A Successive Multi-Level Electoral System, which drew tremendous disruptive responses although he himself valued it the most – some believed it offers a promising solution that China could and should adopt for a smooth transition towards democracy, some think it is purely a dream of utopia.

After ten more years of further study in progressive democracy, he completed another political theory book Bottom up Democracies in 2006. Realizing that it is not possible to promote his theory in China and make it a political reality, he started to research on internet development trying to find the linchpin which will connect his theory with real world.

[edit] Social Activities

In 1994, Wang Lixiong initiated as one of the founders The Friends of Nature, an environment protection organization, the first non-governmental organization in China, was forced to resign in 2003 on the request from Chinese government.

To support Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, an important Tibetan Lama of the region of Litang who was accused of being involved in a bomb attack and sentenced to death panelty, On December 13, 2002 Wang Lixiong and 24 other Chinese intellectuals issued a petition requesting the right to appoint independent lawyers for Rinpoche's trial, as well as the right for local and international media to cover the trial and interview Chinese government officials; in addition, the petition called for representatives of the Tibetan community in exile to attend the proceedings.

In 2001, Wang issued a public statement on his decision to resign from Chine Writers Association: “It is not only acquiescence which is demanded, but also the annihilation of the whole personality, of all conscience and of all individual pride, that we are being made into crouching dogs. Belonging to this organization is no longer an honor, on the contrary, is a shame of any writer worthy of the name”.

Believing that the Dalai Lama is the key to resolve the issues of Tibet[1], [2], Wang Lixiong, together with other Chinese intellectuals, strongly urged Chinese authorities to take the middle way approach proposed by the Dalai Lama into serious consideration as it showed the deepest sincerity from the Dalai lama, should be treated as the basis for any further negotiations for the future of Tibet. He was invited 4 times to meet with the Dalai Lama with regard to this matter. His analysis of middle way was elaborated in his work Unlocking Tibet.[3] And his meeting with the Dalai Lama was documented in his article Dialogues with the Dalai Lama.

In the wake of Tibet riot on 3/10/2008, Wang, with the support from the pro-democracy activities in China, urged the Chinese government to invite UN investigators to Tibet to change the international community’s distrust of China, and on March 22, 2008, issued a 12-point petition about the situation in Tibet. [1]

[edit] Arrest and Imprisonment

Wang first began to study Xinjiang in 1999. When conducting research for a book following the same suit of Sky Burial:The Fate of Tibet, he was arrested for photocopying an internal publication - stamped as “secret” - of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and attempted suicide in a high-security prison in Miquan before recanting and promising to collaborate in order to obtain his release. He recorded the incident in a short essay entitled Memories of Xinjiang published in 2001. In prison, he shared a cell with a Uyghur prisoner arrested in Beijing for organizing a demonstration protesting discrimination (Mokhtar), with whom he entered into a long and ongoing discussion on Xinjiang which formed the backbone of his book My West China; Your East Turkestan published in 2007. In this book, Wang concluded that Xinjiang’s issues had dangerously “Palestinized.” The XinJing riot [2] in July 2009 proved his fear.

Wang would be placed under house arrest whenever there were sensitive incidents or events. i.e. the outbreak of anti-Chinese protests in Tibet in March, 2008; [3]

[edit] Awards and Honors

2009 Light of Truth Award honored by the Dalai Lama on behalf of ICT [4]

2007 Honorary membership, Chinese Studies Association of New Zealand

2003 Hellman-Hammett Grants, Human Rights Watch

2002 Freedom of Expression Award, Independent Chinese Pen Association

2002 Visiting Scholarship, US Congress

1999 The 100 Most Influential Chinese Novels in 20th Century (Yellow Peril ranked 41st), Asia Weekly

[edit] Works

[edit] Books

2009 Voices from Tibet (听说西藏), Lotus Publishing (co-authored with Tsering Woeser)

2009 Sky Burial: The Fate of Tibet, 2nd Edition (天葬:西藏的命运再版), Lotus Publishing

2009 The Struggle for Tibet, Verso Publishing (co-authored with Tsering Shakya)

2008 China Tidal Wave (English edition of Yellow Peril translated by Anton Platero), Global Oriental Ltd.

2008 Yellow Peril, New Century Edition (黄祸新世纪版), Lotus Publishing

2007 My West China; Your East Turkestan (我的西域; 你的东土), Lotus Publishing

2006 Bottom-up Democracy (递进民主), Lotus Publishing

2006 Unlocking Tibet, Tersey Tsultim Publishing

2002 Dialogue with Dalai Lama, Renjian Publishing

2002 The Spiritual Journey of a Free Soul, China Movie Publishing

1998 Dissolving Power: A Successive Multi-Level Electoral System (溶解权力: 逐層递选制), Mirror Books Publishing

1998 Sky Burial: The Destiny of Tibet (天葬:西藏的命运), Mirror Books Publishing

1991 Yellow Peril (黄祸), Mirror Books Publishing

1988 Drifting (漂流), Huacheng Publishing

1984 Gate to Heaven (天堂之门), Huacheng Publishing

[edit] Major Tibet Related Essays

2008 History of Tibetan-Chinese Relations (西藏与中国的历史关系)

2008 Roadmap of Tibet Independence (西藏独立路线图)

2009 Mappō (末法时代)

2004 The Two Types of Imperialisms That Tibet Encounters (西藏面临的两种帝国主义)

2002 Cultural Reflections on Tibet Issues (西藏问题的文化反思)

2000 A Successive Multilevel Electoral System vs. a Representative Democratic System: Comparison on Resolutions for Tibet Issues (逐层递选制与代议民主制: 解决西藏问题的方法比较)

[edit] Columnist Contribution

2004 - Present Radio Free Asia, Washington D.C.

2002 Ming Bao, Hong Kong

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