谭作人(1954年5月15日- ),曾任《文化人》主编、绿色江河副秘书长




2009年2月,起草《5·12学生档案》的倡议书,呼吁民间进行进行汶川大地震遇难学生校舍工程质量的调查。“确认每一个班级,每一所学校、每一个乡镇、每一个县市、每一个地区遇难学生的真实数据”。[3]同年3月28日,因涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权罪而被拘留。[4][5]8月12日,成都市中级人民法院开庭审理此案,浦志强担任谭作人的辩护律师。谭作人所传唤证人或被警方控制,或未允许出庭,也没有在庭上播放其提供的影音证据,其辩护也遭到多次打断。法庭未当庭宣布对谭作人的裁决。[6][7][8]而准备前往采访的香港NOW电视台记者,则遭当地公安以查缉违禁品和毒品为借口扣留在酒店。[9]香港记者协会随即发表 声明,谴责中共当局打压采访自由。

[编辑] 文章

* 2005年5月,《国土也在沦陷》

* 2005年12月,大熊猫为谁打工

* 南水北调的民间独立调查

Tan Zuoren (simplified Chinese: 谭作人; traditional Chinese: 譚作人; pinyin: Tán Zuòrén) (born May 15, 1954), from Chengdu, Sichuan province, People's Republic of China, is an environmentalist, writer and former editor of Literati magazine (文化人).[1]

[edit] 2009 court case

After the 2008 Sichuan earthquake Tan came up with a proposal called the "5.12 Student Archive" (5·12学生档案) asking people who lost their children in the quake to set up a victim database. But for his trouble, Chengdu police searched his home and confiscated his DVDs, manuscripts and documents.[2] On March 28, 2009 he was detained on allegations for subversion of state power.[1] Tan Zuoren was formally accused of defaming the Communist Party of China in email comments about the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.[3]

According to the indictment, "The indicted Tan Zuoren is dissatisfied with the methods and verdict of the Party Central Committee concerning the “June Fourth Incident” and for many years by various methods has been involved in “June Fourth” activities. On May 27, 2007, Tan Zuoren concocted an article entitled “1989: A Witness to the Last Beauty: An Eyewitness’ Tiananmen Square Diary” and using the Internet put it on the website “Torch of Liberty” and other websites outside of China mainland. The main points of that article distorted the handling of the “June 4th Incident” by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and libeled it. Shortly after that article was posted, the enemy element outside mainland China Wang Dan contacted him by email and on several occasions sent him propaganda materials about “June Fourth”[4]

On August 12, 2009 his trial in Chengdu, Sichuan province was adjourned without a verdict to his lawyer, Pu Zhiqiang (浦志强).[3] Pu also said that "The authorities getting their hands on your witness list and then harassing the witnesses and locking them away, that’s a disgrace for the courts in China. But it is the status quo of our judicial system, I think they are doing that because they are afraid.”[5]

Tan Zuoren's defense lawyers Xia Lin and Pu Zhiqiang in their defense summation told the court that:

"The behavior and speech of Tan Zuoren do not constitute this crime.

As everyone knows, the character of the PRC government is a “people’s democratic dictatorship”, that is to say the great majority of the people through democratic means hold state power. Overthrowing state power, then, means having the intention to use anti-democratic methods to destroy the system of people’s democracy. By looking through all of Tan Zuoren’s writings, one can see that he is a person who passionately loves the people, supports democracy, and is opposed to autocracy. Mr. Tan Zuoren is a pioneer of people’s democracy and its guardian, not one who would overturn it and destroy it. To convict him of incitement to overturn state power contradicts the basic character of PRC state political regime. The matters described above are sufficient to prove that none of the accusations of the prosecution about the speech and actions of Tan Zuoren constitute the crime described in Article 151 in the PRC Criminal Code of “incitement to overthrow state power”. The accusation that Mr. Tan Zuoren committed this crime fails for lack of evidence.

Sichuan since ancient times has been a place where cultured people gather. Many heroes have arisen throughout the history of Chengdu. We are confident that Sichuan has sufficient political wisdom to handle the Tan Zuoren case. Let us quote here a couplet from the Wuhou Temple of Chengdu for the people involved in this case: “Those able to win people’s hearts are able to eliminate their doubts and their worries; from ancient times people knowledgeable in military affairs have avoided fighting whenever possible; those who are not able to judge situations will make mistakes no matter whether they are strict or lenient. Those who govern Sichuan in the future should deeply reflect upon this.” The defense earnestly requests that the panel of judges reflect deeply and according to Article 162 of the Law of Criminal Procedure of the PRC, and that they find and proclaim the defendant Tan Zuoren not guilty."[6]

Contemporary artist Ai Weiwei, who travelled to Chengdu to testify, said he and 10 other volunteers were woken up by police entering their hotel rooms at 3am dawn on August 12. He was beaten up and prevented from leaving until after the trial adjourned.[3] Tan's supporters and Amnesty International said he was detained because he planned to issue an independent report on the collapse of school buildings during the Sichuan earthquake.[3] Ai Weiwei said "they were like gangs in a movie, they could do whatever they wanted. It was very scary."[3]

Tan's trial began a week after another earthquake activist, Huang Qi, was tried on state secrets charges in Chengdu; he was convicted and sentenced to three years' imprisonment on 23 November 2009. Tan's lawyer, Pu Zhiqiang said the report on the earthquake all show his investigation is objective and scientific.[3]

Hong Kong's now TV aired footage of Chengdu police searching the luggage and hotel rooms of two of its journalists, who were prevented from leaving the hotel for seven hours, while police said they looked for drugs.[3]

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